How to read people and Influence Decisions
In the business world, as in life, influence and persuasion are two of the most effective skills at your disposal. Learning to enhance your persuasive power could be the key to excelling in your work, advancing your career and even maintaining interpersonal relationships. Roy Zaltsman’s workshops on influence and persuasion are designed to reveal the secrets of effective communication, breaking advanced concepts down to make them accessible to practically anyone.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the study of how your words affect your actions as well as those of others, and this revolutionary infortainment seminar shows you how to identify and use this influential concept to your benefit from the perspective of two extremely successful practitioners. With the assistance of leading NLP trainer and authority Mickey Berkal, Roy Zaltsman’s program will help you unlock abilities you never knew you had to achieve results you never thought you could.
Whether we reach our goals is decided by our actions, and actions are dictated by our words to a great extent. These workshops are an invaluable experience to anyone wishing to realize their inner desires and expand what they are capable of, and are ideal for leadership personnel as well as those who aspire to gain a deeper understanding of others.
Watch as these two experts identify key concepts of persuasion such as what factors link groups of people, how to influence the decision-making of others, and how to subtly motivate others and even yourself to aspire to greater things every day. These courses teach only ethical, responsible methods of persuasion that have been approved by the NLP community, increasing your level of influence without exposing you to immoral techniques..
NLP is the science of empowering our language to achieve the best effect, and with training from Roy Zaltsman and Mickey Berkal, the opportunities are limited only by your will.
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